Book Review: The Pandas Workshop

I have used the Python data manipulation package Pandas daily and professionally for the last six years, but I’ve never actually done any official training or read books on using Pandas. My Pandas fluency has come slowly by solving daily problems and overcoming obstacles through looking at the Pandas documentation and reading helpful posts on…

How Science Fiction inspires scientists

Spiraling into the future by Christopher Ottesen.

Thinking up new ideas and theories before technology can support them requires imagination, vision, and an open mind. This article explores how visionary science fiction writers lays the groundwork for technological inventions long before the required technology exists. The science fiction genre has been called the “literature of ideas”. While humans have always speculated about futuristic…

Reflections after reading A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence

Jeff Hawkins newest book A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence discusses how the brain uses map-like structures to model the world and what this might mean for our next leap in achieving true artificial intelligence. Continue reading to discover my reflections from reading the book. The book in three sentences The author presents…